In 2019, Carrefour's Brazil e-commerce needed a process of updatings, redesigning the checkout process and including the guest checkout. I've worked through end to end process: discovery, research, wireframes, testing, final layout and support through launch.



Carrefour Brazil has responsive e-commerce which had already some problems, we had a high bounce rate and in addition, it had already some usability problems in the flow.
Taking advantage of the Guest Checkout inclusion request, it was necessary a review from the entire flow.


With little time and with a reduced team (I was the only UX on the team), I made a Desk Research, and there were already many players that used the service.
With the analysis of the competition, I was able to raise several points and understand the conversion flow for a second stage to debate with the team.

Players Desk Research


I started to draw some sketches and navigation flows which helped a lot so that we were able to get rid of some doubts and started in a broad way to reach something tangible. This process showed us, through some comings and goings, that we were on the right track, so we evolved from low-fidelity prototypes to the final layout.

The first sketches were essential for the agility of the project due to the short time we had

The first sketches were essential for the agility of the project due to the short time we had


With the studies defined, I've started the development of the website screens. As Carrefour's e-commerce is responsive, aiming to improve the flow of navigation, I've developed a fluid and cleaner layout, bringing modernity to some elements that previously made life difficult for the user.
Some important points were:
- The improvement in the means of payment;
- Bringing expandable in mobile and tabs in desktop;
- A shopping cart floating on the desktop with shopping summary for better viewing;
- A complete checkout page redesign with the addition of the option to add purchased items to the shopping list for future purchases.

Mobile Flow

Mobile Flow

Desktop Flow

Desktop Flow


This project was one of my biggest challenges at Carrefour Brazil, and we continued with complementing the tests with the metrics.
These showed significant improvements in conversion and a gratifying reduction in the bounce, besides that, the improvements applied through studies and in the design of the new layout brought the job a rewarding result.


Online Entrace Test Plataform - FUNDACRED


Extended Warranty - Carrefour Brazil